
Master the Sales process and Client Management and become a Professional Salesperson.

Every Professional sales organisation like yours would have invested time and money on a Strong sales team and a Proven Sales Process to generate sustainable Revenue Growth, however it is the responsibility of every sales manager to prepare the sales team to deliver the results consistently, by making them understand their Roles and Responsibilities and meticulously implementing the Sales Process. Unfortunately, neither they have enough time, nor they equipped well to transfer this knowledge and process consistently. This program can help you achieve this and more..

Does each of your Salesperson know their responsibilities?

Do they understand the need for following the Sales Process?

Do they align with client’s Buying Process?

Do they posses all Business Skills to be an effective Salesperson?

Are they able build long lasting relationship with all stakeholders?

Are they able to meet their Revenue targets every month?

If you have answered NO for any one of the above questions, it is time for you to assess your team’s Sales Skill and their readiness to manage the current business challenges and other dynamics.

A motivated Salesperson does not require any follow up or push. This training cum coaching program designed to cover to prepare a salesperson to become a professional Salesperson who is Self – initiated and growth driven.

online sales courses

Seven steps to convert a beginner into a professional Salesperson

Program Format

Program Deliverables

Twenty percent of your activities produce 80 percent of your results and in the same way 20 percent of your Account give you 80 percent of your overall revenue. Segregating your accounts based on the volume of their business and create an organisation wide engagement to Protect, sustain and grow the business, year over year. An Individual or team who manage these Key Accounts must be capable of maintaining relationship at various levels of customers. A geography-based Sales Account manager may not slip into this role that easily. How are you planning to get your team ready for Key account Management?

Would you like to know how our program can help you?

Industrial organisations depend on Key accounts for their major share of revenue, and you do not reach that level of business relationship unless there is the customer see a unique value proposition from the supplier.

There is difference between Normal sales and managing multiple Key Accounts with sustained growth. Only a Salesperson with below traits can perform the above with zeal.

  • Result Oriented
  • Accountable for agreed outcomes
  • Relationship builder
  • Technology expertise
  • Innovation
  • Long term collaboration

Key Account management involves Long-term Goals, selling at diverse levels of Customer management, Engaging the complete organisation to create value for customer, Co-creating vision for individual projects and increase customer satisfaction level.

This program will coach the participant on successful Key account management by adding value in the following FOUR areas

  • Creating a Strategic account plan after doing enough research on customer’s Specific Needs, External Challenges, Internal Drivers, and Industry trend.
  • Align and engage Key resources at both organisations and create value
  • Continuously collaborate with customer and co-create vision for the success of their organisation
  • Wining major projects with clear timeline, desired results, and measurable success parameter. And to make sure the customer achieves all those milestones with deeper collaboration with your teams
  • Expanding and repeating the success across departments and plants for the benefit of both organisations

Program Format

Program Deliverables

Sales Manager Coaching

Sales force effectiveness is a critical success Factor for any Industrial Sales Organisation and hence, sales leaders play a vital role in attaining the same. They are expected to respond to events within their Organisations, their markets, and their Industry domain, without compromising the need for continuously improving sales force performance. If you are Newly hired Sales Manager or a seasoned Veteran, the pressure to perform is a constant.

The Sales manager is the active very part of the Sales management connecting the Management and sales force on the field. Transferring the Organisation Goals to into Sales Strategies, Monitoring and managing Monthly / Quarterly performance, developing a world class sales Team, maintaining their performance level, and creating alignment with other internal teams and Principals, the list is too long and keep adding up the complexity of business increases. Sales managers need to upgrade themselves regularly to perform and balance their individual growth parallelly.